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Whoa..Hey all, call me Angah..this blog is created by the need of urgency of the assignment for this 2nd, I hope all of you can give support for me..feel free to follow & I will follow u back :)

Geek Armies

Wednesday 21 March 2012

That Awkward Moment When Updating Blog

The post title say 'awkward' , huh? Naaahh..i'm just goofing around about that 'awkward' thingy. There are nothing awkward happen when I update my blog, seriously.. That post title is just for grabbing readers attention..haha.

To be truth, I'm kind off addicted to this blog updating. Everyday, when I am at my room, I will check out my blog few times a day. 

Updating blog for education purpose, I felt like a teacher that teach students new things...doesn't you feel the same way when you update something educational and useful to others? I'm keep wondering, what kind of teacher that I would be in the future? *wondering 

This post is just for fun only, check my latest update on what is going on in my class, in my next post. See u guys later. Do rate and comment, ok peeps? :)